Theatre audience in the middle of action.
With this augmented theatre app, the audience will experience a theatre show as never before.
The JULYENSEMBLE app on the smart devices of the spectators will execute the cues from the show's media server in realtime.
JULYENSEMBLE is a young theatre troupe at the Meyerhold Theatre Center (director Victor Ryzhakov, music director Tatyana Pykhonina, video artist and interactive media programmer Vladimir Gusev).
The MEYERHOLD THEATRE CENTER is an innovative theatre laboratory, a leading Russian theatrical production, experiment and education organization.
VLADIMIR GUSEV is a NYC based, critically acclaimed theatre and art videographer and media director with innovative interactive productions in the US, Europe and Russia, which, blending video, sound, light, generative graphics and audio, audience interaction, extend the traditional notion of theatre.
SUPPORT INFORMATION: See up to date setup instructions here or email vladimir.gusev.us@gmail.com
PRIVACY POLICY: The Augmented Theatre App uses device’s microphone and camera in some regimes during the theatre show. No recording or transmission of video and audio data is executed by the app. No private data are accessed or used in any way by this app.